Click Here to Download the Registration Form and Accommodation Options.
Training is offered as follows:
TWO-DAY INTRODUCTORY TRAINING to be held on October 13 & 14
THREE-DAY SKILLS BASED TRAINING to be held on October 15, 16 & 19
This is the training you require to practice in the Collaborative Model of Dispute Resolution. Experience the benefits of this alternative dispute resolution method. Collaborative Practice offers a “service"-oriented, client-centered approach to problem solving. Your clients will thank you. Completion of this Five-day course, enables the participant to join local Collaborative practice groups and to commence practice of the Collaborative model of dispute resolution.
Click Here to Download the Registration Form and Accommodation Options.
Training is offered as follows:
TWO-DAY INTRODUCTORY TRAINING to be held on October 13 & 14
THREE-DAY SKILLS BASED TRAINING to be held on October 15, 16 & 19