Tag Archive: Marian Gage

  1. Outside the Box: Using the Collaborative Process for Collaborative Agreements and Marriage Contracts

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    By Marian Gage

    When a potential client comes to me for the first time, already-drafted marriage contract in hand, asking me to read it over and sign the certificate of Independent Legal Advice (and quickly because the wedding is this Friday!) I find myself looking for the nearest exit. There are no fees that can compensate me for the potential liability and I must politely decline.

    Even when there is ample time and a not-yet drafted agreement and both parties are ready and willing to make full financial disclosure I must admit marriage contracts and cohabitation agreements make me a little apprehensive. There is, whether it is real or perceived, a concern that these agreements are vulnerable to litigation to set them aside in the future if a couple separates. Even if a court upholds the agreement there is the risk that the lawyer will be named in the lawsuit. There is also the risk (inevitability?) that this happy couple, optimistically planning their lives together, must now be exposed to the unpleasantness involved in negotiating a domestic contract.

    The negotiation of a marriage contract or a cohabitation agreement must be handled with greater care, taking into account that we are working with an “intact” couple, often at the beginning of their lives together as spouses. Nobody wants to rock the boat…but we have to have some difficult conversations if the negotiations are to be meaningful.

    The collaborative process is well-suited to this type of negotiation for several reasons…
    • Both spouses and their lawyers can work together as a team to address each person’s concerns and work through potential problems.
    • Collaboratively trained lawyers and, where necessary, a neutral facilitator can work with the parties to help them talk with each other about their financial goals and interests in a way that will not appear to be adversarial.
    • The parties can exchange complete and reliable financial disclosure by discussing what is required together with their lawyers (and why it is required to make the agreement reliable) and if necessary, parties can work with a neutral financial professional.
    • Where estate planning is an issue we can include the estates lawyer as part of the team as opposed to sending the couple off to that lawyer at the end of the process to prepare wills “around” a marriage contract.

    I would think that an agreement negotiated through the collaborative process is inherently less vulnerable to a claim to set it aside in the future as it is much less likely the agreement will have been negotiated under duress, or without appropriate disclosure, or with potential for a substantially unbalanced result.

    Given the high rate of satisfaction clients have in using the collaborative process to resolve the issues that come up on separation I have been spending time working with my Collaborative Participation Agreement to tailor it a process for negotiating marriage contracts and cohabitation agreements.

    Marian G. Gage
    O’Connor MacLeod Hanna LLP 
    700 Kerr Street
    Oakville, ON L6K 3W5

    Profession: Family Law Lawyer 
    Tel: 905.842.8030 x3312
    Fax: 905.842.2460 


  2. Marriage: One, Two or More

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    Here’s a link to an article that Marian Gage, Family Law Lawyer, and Kathryn Jankowski, Financial Divorce Specialist contributed to in Yahoo Finance!




  3. How Separated Parents Could Think About Mother’s Day and Father’s Day…

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    By Marian Gage

    I just celebrated my seventh Mother’s Day as a mother.  As always, I got to sleep in.  It’s the one day of the year when I am guaranateed a sleep-in.  I can start the day slowly.  I can shower and get dressed alone without my kids asking for everyting from breakfast to that puppy dog hair clip my daughter got in a loot bag three years ago and now just remembered.  My husband whisks the kids away early (ususally in their pajamas). They come back at a much more civilized time with coffee and my kid-made gifts they created at school.  We enjoy the rest of the day together.  It’s all very nice.

    On Father’s Day my husband knows he can expect the same royal treatment.

    THis makes me think about so many of the divorce cases I’ve had where we’ve been negotiating Mother’s Day and Father’s Day schedules for children.  I’ve had some really nasty cases, as I’m sure most of us have, where Dad doesn’t want to take the kids to see Mom on Mother’s Day because it’s “his” weekend and they’re going for bruch with Grandma, or where the parents fight over time, down to the minute, that they will spend with the children on each of these special days.

    In high conflict cases parents can end up spending outrageous amounts of time and money arguing over minutes – will the children be home the night before, or by 7:00a.m. so that Dad can spend the entire day with them on Father’s Day, or will it be noon after breakfast with Mom and Grandpa?

    There is, of course, a much more enjoyable way to spend the holiday, even if you’re separated.  Mom…why not sleep in on Mother’s Day and let Dad wake up at the crack of dawn with the kids, and bring them over later?  Why not reciprocate on Father’s Day and give Dad the same opportunity?  Or, if your former spouse just loves waking up early with the kdis, why not offer a break later on in the day?

    Separated parents who work collaboratively can find a way to enjoy all of the Mother’s Day/Father’s Day perks on their special days.  It’s worth exploring!


    Marian G. Gage
    O’Connor MacLeod Hanna LLP
    700 Kerr Street
    Oakville, ON L6K 3W5
    Profession: Family Law Lawyer
    Tel: 905.842.8030 x3312
    Fax: 905.842.2460